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GFBI Conference 2017 is FUN & Successful

The Inaugural GFBI Conference took place in Beijing, September 6-9, 2017. The conference was a great fun and success!

Attended by 168 GFBI members and guests from 32 countries, the conference consisted of three components: a pre-conference trip for the GFBI Steering Committee (September 2-5), a two-day conference with 2 plenary and 15 concurrent sessions (September 6-7), followed by excursions to the Great Wall and Forbidden City (September 8-9). The conference features valuable talks (8 keynote and 64 invited presentations), great friendship, and awesome food.

Special thanks to all who attended this conference, and to the Beijing Forestry University and the editorial office of Forest Ecosystems for sponsoring this conference! We also thank the staff members from Beijing Forestry University, and more than 40 student volunteers for their great service. Last but not least, we thank President Weimin Song (宋维明校长) and Dean Dr. Xiuhai Zhao (赵秀海院长) of Beijing Forestry University, and Vice Rector Dr. Albert Sorribus from the University of Lleida for supporting GFBI and forthcoming GFBI Hubs in the two institutes.

The conference was covered by Guangming Online, one of the largest media in China. The Google translation can be found HERE.

The photos from this conference can be accessed from an online Album. A PDF copy of all the presentations will be posted on our conference website soon.

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