Global Forest Inventory & Analysis Data

GFBI Ground-Sourced Forest Inventory Data

Global geographic distribution of the elasticity of substitution (θ)

GFBI Ground-Sourced Forest Inventory Data
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Why shall I contribute data?
Contributed data will have increased usage and exposure through GFBI promotion;
Data Contributors will be invited to participate and coauthor GFBI global studies;
Data Contributors will have priority in using GFBI global data sets;
All the contributed data will be kept confidential, and will be used for the study that the contributor has approved (see the GFB-2 Data Guidelines below).
How can I contribute data?
To contribute data to GFBI takes only a few simple steps:
Compile your data in the GFB2 template downloaded from below;
For datasets smaller than 5MB, please send the data sheet by email to Jingjing Liang (;
For datasets larger than 5MB, please email Jingjing Liang ( a notice of your data size and region, and a Dropbox link will be sent to you with instructions for data deposition.
Other Data download (Login/Sign up not required)
Tree-level Forest Inventory Data from the Jiaohe Large-scale Forest Observational Site
Global forest-tree symbiosis map: Visit FACAI data page
Interactive Indiana Forest Product Market Report: Visit FACAI data page