Pandemic Lessons: Open Data for Forest and Climate Action
A recent article is featured on FAO REDD homepage: http://www.fao.org/redd/en/ and under the News section: www.fao.org/redd/news/detail/e...

Pandemic Lessons: Open Data for Forest and Climate Action
A recent article is featured on FAO REDD homepage:Â http://www.fao.org/redd/en/ and under the News section:Â www.fao.org/redd/news/detail/e...

GFBI Hub-Purdue is hiring
Do you want to ̶ DEVELOP cutting-edge research in natural resources and environmental sciences? INTEGRATE high-performance computers and...

Job openings at FACAI Lab
For more information, visit us at Forest Advanced Computing & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (FACAI)

GFBI promoted on Silva Mediterranea
What is GFBI? What does GFBI do? How can GFBI help? This month's Silva Mediterranea Newsletter provides perspectives and insights for FAO...

GFBI conference on FAO news
GFBI conference 2017 is on the FAO news: http://www.unredd.net/announcements-and-news/2706-big-data-for-forest-biodiversity.html ...

GFBI Conference 2017 is FUN & Successful
The Inaugural GFBI Conference took place in Beijing, September 6-9, 2017. The conference was a great fun and success! Attended by 168...
Final Programme Ready
Inaugural Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative Conference & GFBI-FECS Joint Symposium 2017 Final Programme

GFBI Conference 2017 Updates
Conference Logistics Inaugural Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative Conference & GFBI-FECS Joint Symposium 2017 Visa application: You...
GFBI member in need of a Post-doc position
I’m finishing my PhD in September and searching for post-doc opportunities starting beginning/mid of 2018. During last 5 years I was...