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GFBI Members

ENGONE OBIANG Nestor Laurier
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique
Mailing address
Institut de Pharmacopée et de Médecine Traditionnelle
Herbier National du Gabon
BP 1156 Libreville Gabon
Tel : (+241) 02 46 19 46
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6, France (2002-2006)
Université des Sciences et Techniques de Lille 1, France (1999-2001)
Université des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku, Franceville, Gabon (1995-1998)
PHD (Diversité du Vivant), Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6, France (2006)
DES (Parasitologie végétale), Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6, France (2002)
Maîtrise de Biologie des populations et des écosystèmes, Université des Sciences et Techniques de Lille 1, France (2001)
Licence de Biologie des organismes, Université des Sciences et Techniques de Lille 1, France (2000)
DUES (Chimie Biologie), Université des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku, Franceville, Gabon (1998)
Engone Obiang Nestor Laurier, Ngomanda Alfred, Kenfack David, 2019. Vegetation assessment and forest dynamic study of various areas in Gabon from 2000 to 2018. Version 1.4. Herbier National du Gabon. Sampling event dataset
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang, David Kenfack, Nicolas Picard, James A. Lutz, Pulchérie Bissiengou, Hervé R. Memiaghe and Alfonso Alonso, 2019 - Determinants of spatial patterns of canopy tree species in a tropical evergreen forest in Gabon. Journal of Vegetation Science, accepted.
Jingjing Liang, Thomas W. Crowther, Nicolas Picard, Susan Wiser, Mo Zhou, Giorgio Alberti, Ernst-Detlef Schulze, A. David McGuire, Fabio Bozzato, Hans Pretzsch, Sergio de-Miguel, Alain Paquette, Bruno Hérault, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Christopher B. Barrett, Henry B. Glick, Geerten M. Hengeveld, Gert-Jan Nabuurs, Sebastian Pfautsch, Helder Viana, Alexander C. Vibrans, Christian Ammer, Peter Schall, David Verbyla, Nadja Tchebakova, Markus Fischer, James V. Watson, Han Y. H. Chen, Xiangdong Lei, Mart-Jan Schelhaas, Huicui Lu, Damiano Gianelle, Elena I. Parfenova, Christian Salas, Eungul Lee, Boknam Lee, Hyun Seok Kim, Helge Bruelheide, David A. Coomes, Daniel Piotto, Terry Sunderland, Bernhard Schmid, Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury, Bonaventure Sonké, Rebecca Tavani, Jun Zhu, Susanne Brandl, Jordi Vayreda, Fumiaki Kitahara, Eric B. Searle, Victor J. Neldner, Michael R. Ngugi, Christopher Baraloto, Lorenzo Frizzera, Radomir BaÅ‚azy, Jacek Oleksyn, Tomasz ZawiÅ‚a-Niedźwiecki, Olivier Bouriaud, Filippo Bussotti, Leena Finér, Bogdan Jaroszewicz, Tommaso Jucker, Fernando Valladares, Andrzej M. Jagodzinski, Pablo L. Peri, Christelle Gonmadje, William Marthy, Timothy O’Brien, Emanuel H. Martin, Andrew R. Marshall, Francesco Rovero, Robert Bitariho, Pascal A. Niklaus, Patricia Alvarez-Loayza, Nurdin Chamuya, Renato Valencia, Frédéric Mortier, Verginia Wortel, Nestor L. Engone-Obiang, Leandro V. Ferreira, 2016- Positive biodiversity-productivity relationship predominant in global forests, Science, VOL 354 ISSUE 6309.
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang, Alfred Ngomanda, Oliver Hymas, Éric Chézeauxl, Nicolas Picard, 2014- Diagnosing the demographic balance of two light-demanding tree species populations in central Africa from their diameter distribution. Forest Ecology and Management, 313, 55–62.
Alfred Ngomanda, Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang, Judicaël Lebamba, Quentin Moundounga Mavouroulou, Hugues Gomat, Géraud Sidoine Mankou, Joël Loumeto, Donald Midoko Iponga, Franck Kossi Ditsouga, Roland Zinga Koumba, Karl Henga Botsika Bobé Clency Mikala Okouyi, Raoul Nyangadouma, Nicaise Lépengué, Bertrand Mbatchi, Nicolas Picard, 2014- Site-specific versus pantropical allometric equations: Which option to estimate the biomass of a moist central African forest? Forest Ecology and Management, 312, 1–9.
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang, Alfred Ngomanda, Lee J. T. White, Kathryn J. Jeffery, Eric Chézeaux and Nicolas Picard, 2013- Disentangling the effect of size and competition: a growth model for Aucoumea klaineana. Annals of Forest Science, 70, 241–249.
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang, Alfred Ngomanda, Lee J. T. White, Kathryn J. Jeffery, Eric Chézeaux and Nicolas Picard, 2012- A growth model for azobé, Lophira alata, in Gabon. BOIS ET FORETS DES TROPIQUES, 314 (4), 65-72.
Alexis Nicaise LEPENGUE, Alfred NGOMANDA, Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang, Jacques François MAVOUNGOU, Isaac MOUARAGADJA, Séverin AKE et Bertrand M’BATCHI, 2012 - Augmentation de la biomasse de la roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L. var. sabdariffa) par des traitements à l’acide borique, au Gabon. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6(1), 202-209.
Alfred Ngomanda, Quentin Moundounga Mavouroulou, Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang, Donald MidokoIponga, Jacques-François Mavoungou, Nicaise Lépengue, Nicolas Picard and Bertrand Mbatchi, 2012- Derivation of diameter measurements trees, an example from Gabon. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 28, 1-4.
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang, Alfred Ngomanda, Raymonde Mboma, Thomas Nzabi, Alfred Ngoye, Lydia Atsima, 2010- Spatial pattern of central African rainforests can be predicted from average tree size. Oikos, 119, 1643-1653.
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang, Georges Sall, Jean-Marie Eschbach, Marc Salomon, 2009 -Susceptibility of rubber trees to Loranthaceæ in Gabon. Journal of Plant Interactions, Vol. 4, 233 – 240.
Dibong Siegfried Didier, Engone Obiang Nestor Laurier, Ndongo Din, Priso Richard Jules, Taffouo Victor, Fankem Henri1, Salle Georges and Amougou Akoa, 2009 - Artificial infestations of Tapinanthus ogowensis (Engler) Danser (Loranthaceæ) on three host species in the Logbessou Plateau (Douala, Cameroon). African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 8 (6), 1044-1051.
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang, Paré J., Duredon J. & Sallé G., 2006 – Germination et développement de la plantule d’Helixanthera mannii (Oliv.) Danser (Loranthaceæ) sur cacaoyer (Theobroma cacao L.) au Gabon. Revue de Cytologie et de Biologies Végétales – Le Botaniste, 29, 13-21.
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang & Sallé G., 2006 – Faut-il éradiquer Phragmanthera capitata, parasite des hévéas en Afrique ? C. R. Biologies, 329, 185-195.
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang : La connexion à internet des données de l’Herbier National du Gabon : un appui du projet GBIF BID-AF2015-0038-NAC, Workshop of Missouri Botanical Garden « Journée de restitutions du projet sur les Hautes Valeurs de Conservation (HVC) botaniques au Gabon », 22 Marsh 2019, Libreville (Gabon)
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang : Régénération post-exploitation des essences commerciales dans les concessions forestières sous aménagement durable du Gabon, Atelier de lancement des activités des projets REGEFOR AAP2-81 et DICMAGA- AAP4-17, April 2018, Libreville (Gabon)
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang. Présentation des HVC et importance des dispositifs permanents à la concession forestière de la SBL, 23 August 2017, training in SBL CFAD, Lastourville (Gabon)
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang. Apport et bilan du projet Aires sud. Geographical Information System (GIS) Training Workshop, 1-7 May 2011, Libreville (Gabon).
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang, Alfred Ngomanda, Raymonde Mboma, Thomas Nzabi, Alfred Ngoye, Lydia Atsima, Nicolas Picard. Biodiversité et perturbations anthropiques : le cas de la forêt du Haut Abanga au Gabon. Natural Resources Protection Workshop, 14-18 February, 2011, Meknes (Morocco).
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang, Alfred Ngomanda, Raymonde Mboma, Thomas Nzabi, Alfred Ngoye, Lydia Atsima et Nicolas Picard. Dynamique des espèces héliophiles dans les forêts non perturbées du Gabon : résultats préliminaires. Workshop restitution of IFORA project, 21-22 June 2010, Montpellier (France).
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang. Biologie et Ecologie des Loranthaceæ parasites au Gabon. Cas particulier des hévéas. Animated conference at the National Assembly of Gabon during the scientific day of CENAREST, July 2008, Libreville (Gabon).
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang. Biologie et Ecologie des Loranthaceæ parasites au Gabon. Cas particulier des hévéas. Animated Conference at the Centre culturel Français, July 2008, Libreville (Gabon).
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang. Dynamique des espèces héliophiles dans les forêts non perturbées du Gabon. International workshop, launch of the AIRES Sud program, 25-28 Marsh, 2008, Saly (Senegal).
Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang. Biologie et Ecologie des Loranthaceæ parasites au Gabon. Cas particulier des hévéas. International workshop « Biodiversitas Gabonica », 11-16 July, 2007, Libreville (Gabon)
TV documentary
Etude de la dynamique de la biodiversité du Parc National de l’Ivindo. Film directed by Marie José Ndombi (Journaliste) and sponsored IRET/CENAREST thank to Aires-Sud and ACP-FORENET projects. Broadcast in septembre 2011, National Television of Gabon (RTG1).
2009-2012 : Université des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku, Franceville (plant ecology and botany)
2008-2014 : Ecole Normale Supérieure, Libreville (plant ecology and botany)
Institut Supérieur d’Agronomie et de Biotechnologie (plant ecology and botany)
2010-2018 : Trained and supervised more than 5 students (master)
July 2018. Training : CTFS-ForestGEO Analytical workshop, Czech Republic
November 2017: Training workshop about « Conséquences de la mise en œuvre du protocole de Nagoya ; quelles nouvelles pratiques et modalités de recherche et de partenariat ? », Montpellier Agropolis (France)
October 2017. Training: Spatial Ecology, Geospatial Analysis, and Remote Sensitive for Conservation, George Mason University, Smithsonian-Mason, School of Conservation, Front Royal, USA
July 2017. Training workshop: CTFS-ForestGEO Analytical workshop, Puerto Rico, USA
July 2017. Training: COMIFAC Data Analysis with R, Linear model, Libreville (Gabon)
June 2017. Training: IUCN Red Listing Workshop, Yaoundé (Cameroon)
July 2016. Training workshop: CTFS Analytical Workshop: Dimensions of Biodiversity. Jianfengling, Hainan, China
June 2015. Workshop: Final conference of ITTO project, Douala, Cameroon
April 2015: Training workshop on biomass sampling, CFAD Rougier Gabon, Haut Abanga (Gabon)
January 2014. Workshop: Central African forest stratification workshop, Douala, Cameroon
December 2013: Sub-regional workshop on structuring and strengthening forest research in Central Africa, Libreville (Gabon)
November 2013: Training on the Analysis of Molecular Data of African Woody Species ITTO Project, Libreville (Gabon)
18-24 Marsh 2013: Scientific Monitoring Workshop of the Regional Pilot Program "Biodiversity, Global Changes and Health in the Tropical Rainforest of Central Africa", Douala (Cameroon)
25-27 March 2013: Scenarios of Biodiversity Change in Africa, Libreville, Gabon.
1 April-1 July 2012: Training study on Molecular marker assay (AFLP) on Lophira alata populations, Laboratoire d’écologie évolutive et de systématique, Orsay (France)
June 2011: Training workshop on biomass measurement, Makokou (Gabon)
May 2011: SIG training with Aires-Sud 7148 project, Libreville, Gabon
April 2011: Training workshop "Functioning of research networks, project setting and monitoring and evaluation tools (ACP-FORENET-9 ACP project), Libreville (Gabon)
November 2010: CEPDEC-SEP Second Training Workshop - Uses of Biodiversity Data, Paris, France
REGEFOR AAP2-81 Project (Régénération post exploitation des essences commerciales du Gabon) funded by IRD, 35 000 € (2018-2021)
BID-AF2015-0038-NAC (Support for data collection of plant biodiversity in Gabon) funded by BID/GBIF, 60 000 € (2016-2018)
PD 620/11 M Project (Development and implementation of a species identification and timber tracking system in Africa with DNA fingerprints and stable) funded by INTERNATIONAL TROPICAL TIMBER ORGANIZATION (ITTO) and Government of Germany, 41.788 US$ (2012-2015)
PPR FTHC AC project (Apport de la dynamique forestière dans les changements climatiques au Gabon) funded by IRD, 3 500 € (2013-2014)
AIRES-Sud 741 project (Dynamique des espèces héliophiles dans les forêts non perturbées du Gabon) funded by French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, 90 000 € (2008-2011)
French – speak, fluently and read/write with high proficiency
English – speak, read, and write with basic competence
Spanish – speak, read, and write with basic competence
Institut de Recherche en Ecologie Tropicale (IRET/CENAREST), Senior researcher
Herbier National du Gabon (HNG-IPHAMETRA/CENAREST), Director; · Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative (
Plant ecology
Forest dynamics
Plant conservation
Vegetation dynamic and regeneration study in the logging gaps
Long-term forest dynamics in a the census plots
2019. Establishment of botanical inventory plots for REGEFOR AAP2-81 projects in the Rougier Gabon logging permits, Moyabi (Gabon)
2017. About HVC conception and the permanent plot installation to SBL (Société des Bois de Lastourville) logging company
2015. Botanical diagnosis on the GRAINE project in Ndendé with TEREA firm.
2014. Botanical diagnosis on the OLAM concession (Mouila lot3) with TEREA firm
Study of the dynamics of vegetation sites of manganese in the Moanda (Haut Ogooue Gabon) area with company Eramet-COMILOG company
Environmental Impact Study (EIS) in the area of Moanda (Gabon Top Ogowe) with ANTEA firm
Botanical data in the area of OLAM PALM project, Mandji (Ngounié- Gabon) with ECOSPHERE firm
Botanical diagnosis on the OLAM Project Hevea (Woleu- Ntem, Gabon) with ENVIROPASS firm
Consultant to Rainforest Alliance for audit in the Forest Concessions in Sustainable Development (CFAD) Rougier Gabon
Rainforest Alliance accredited FSC Forest Stewardship Council: Audit de renseignement pour Rougier Gabon
Botanical diagnosis on the OLAM Project Hevea (Woleu- Ntem, Gabon) with ENVIROPASS firm
2011. Botanical diagnosis on the OLAM concession (Mouila) with the ECOSPHERE firm
2010. Botanical diagnosis on the Mitzic-Oyem-Bitam-Eboro axis of the INTERCONNECTE NORD GABON project (Woleu-Ntem, Gabon) on behalf of WALLY ENVIRONNEMENT.
2009. Permanent plots establishment in Makokou, Koungou and Zadié for the Aires Sud project